Clausena HEPTAPHYLLA (Roxb.) Wight.& Arn.

Synonym : Amyris anisata Roxb. ex Steud.
Amyris heptaphylla Roxb. ex DC.
Clausena heptaphylla var. engleri (Tanaka) Swingle
Clausena macrophylla Hook.f.
Bangla Name : Panbahar(Bangla), Jonglakati (Bawn), Alkatra (Chakma), Saderruchi (Chakma), Raing Gang, Rowak Cu Ba (Marma).
English Name : -
Family : Rutaceae
Disease : Dysentery.
Description : A shrub, smelling strongly of aniseed. Leaves imparipinnate 15-40 cm long, leaflets 5-9, ovate or lanceolate, acuminate, obscurely crenulate, 5- 12.7 cm long, sometimes more. Flowers small, greenish in terminal panicles. Berries ovoid or oblong, 12 mm long, pink when ripe.
Distribution : Occur in the forests of Chittagong and Chittagong Hill Tracts, Cox’s Bazar.
Chemical Constituents : Stem bark contains alkaloids, heptazoline, heptazolidine and 2-methylanthraquinone. Root contains carbazole alkaloid, heptaphylline, and girinimbine, pyranocoumarins, clausenin, clausenidin, clausenolide, ?-sitosterol, murrayanine, coumarin, dentatin, 3-m
Uses : Leaves are used for the treatment of dysentery and impotence in Khagrachari.
Habit : Shrub