Semecarpus anacardium L. F.

Synonym :
Bangla Name : vela,vaelatuki,velama(Garo),Beula(Dalu).
English Name : Oriental cashnew
Family : Anacardiaceae
Disease : Carminative, tonic, aphrodisiac, stimulant, piles, anthelmintic, rheumatism, sprains, leucoderma, le
Description : Trees, bark grey to greyish-brown with tessellate scales; blaze dull red; exudation acrid. Leaves simple, alternate, crowded at end of branchlets, estipulate; petiole stout, pubescent; lamina obovate-oblong, elliptic-oblong or obovate, base acute, obtuse, round or truncate, apex obtuse, round or emarginate, margin entire. Flowers polygamous, greenish-yellow, in terminal pubescent panicles; calyx lobes 5, ovate, margin ciliate, imbricate, deciduous; petals 5, imbricate; disc broad, annular, villous; stamens 5 inserted below the disc; filaments filiform, glabrous, in male flowers as long as or longer than petals, in female flowers shorter than petals; anthers oblong; ovary superior, densely villous, ovule pendulous from a basal funicle; styles 3, divergent. Fruit a drupe, fleshy, purplish-black, seated on an orange hypocarp as long as the drupe, pericarp rich in corrosive resinous juice; seed pendulous.
Distribution : Sylhet,Sal Forest of Modhupur, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Chittagong.
Chemical Constituents : Anacardic acid, cardol, catechol, anacardol and fixed oil; semicarpol, bhilawanol.
Uses : This plant is used in Carminative, tonic, aphrodisiac, stimulant, piles, anthelmintic, rheumatism, sprains, leucoderma, leprosy, psoriasis, asthma, gonorrhoea, regulating menstruation.
Habit : Tree