Alternanthera SESSILIS (L.) R. Br.

Synonym : -
Bangla Name : Chanchi, Haicha, Sachishak. ,Kekrak shak (Chakma), Segrabaong (Marma).
English Name : -
Family : Amaranthaceae
Disease : Galactagogue, cholagogue,febrifuge,blood vomiting,night blindness, malaria, post natal complaints, prolapsus ani, fistulas ani, diarrhoea, dysentery,puerperal fever and ulcer.
Description : Perennial much branched, prostrate or ascending herb. Leaves opposite, 2.5-7.6 cm long, somewhat fleshy, linear-oblong or lanceolate. Flowers white in small axillary sessile heads.
Distribution : All over Bangladesh in moist areas.
Chemical Constituents : Herb contains hydrocarbons, ester, and sterols, such as stigmasterol, campesterol, ?-sitosterol, ?- &?-spinasterol, ?-stigmasteanol and palmitates of sterol, it also contains 24-methylenecycloartanol and cycloeucalenol. Saponins have been isolated from th
Uses : Plant is galactagogue, cholagogue and febrifuge, Decoction with little salt is drunk to check blood vomiting. Plant is used for hazy vision, night blindness, malaria, post natal complaints, prolapsus ani, fistulas ani, diarrhoea, dysentery and puerperal f
Habit : Herb