Artabotrys HEXAPETALUS (L.f.) Bhandari

Synonym : Annona hexapetala L.f.
Annona uncinata Lam.
Unona uncata (Lour.) Dunal
Uvaria esculenta Roxb. Ex Rottler
Uvaria uncata Lour.
Bangla Name : Katchampa, Kanthalichapa, Guichapa.
English Name : -
Family : Annonaceae
Disease : Cholera, vomiting, biliousness, itch, leucoderma, blood and the heart
Description : A robust climber or scandent shrub. Leaves 5-20 cm long, oblong-lanceolate, dark green, glabrous, shining. Flowers yellow, solitary or in pairs, petals 2.5-4 cm, nearly equal, thick, odorous. Fruit obovoid, 6-10 in a bunch, yellow
Distribution : Planted in gardens.
Chemical Constituents : Leaves and roots contain an alkaloid, artabotrine and a volatile principle. Flowers contain an essential oil. Roots contain yingzhaosu A & B. Glycosidic priniciples like kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin, quercetin-3-O-arabinoside, quercetin-3-O-glucoside
Uses : Decoction of the leaves is given for the treatment of cholera. The flowers are heating and alexiteric, useful in vomiting, biliousness, itch, sweats, foul breath, leucoderma, erysipelas and diseases of the blood and the heart. EtOH extract of fruits is
Habit : Shrub