Asplenium polyodon G. Forst.

Synonym : Asplenium falcatum Lam.
Asplenium adiantoides (L.) C. Chr.
Asplenium intermedium Kaulf.
Trichomanes adiantoides L.
Bangla Name : -
English Name : -
Family : Aspleniaceae
Disease : Jaundice and malarial fever.
Description : A tufted fern, stipes 15-23 cm long, erect, greyish, glabrous, or more or less scaly, fronds 15-60 cm long and 10-20 cm broad, pinnae 6-20 pairs, lanceolate, often caudate, 1.25-2.5 cm broad, the edges serrated or lobed, the two sides unequal, and the lower one at the base obliquely-truncate, rachis glabrous or fibrillose, sori in long irregular lines reaching nearly to the margin.
Distribution : All over Bangladesh.
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : The plant is used in enlarged spleen, incontinence of urine, calculus, jaundice and as an alterative in cases of prolonged malarial fever.
Habit : Herb