Azadirachta INDICA A. Juss.

Synonym : Antelaea canescens Cels Ex Heynh.
Azadirachta indica var. Minor Valeton
Melia azadirachta L.
Melia indica (A.Juss.) Brandis
Bangla Name : Neem. ,Tamakha (Marma), Nim gaith (Tanchangya).
English Name : Neem Tree, Indian lilac, Margosa tree.
Family : Meliaceae
Disease : Tonic, refrigerant, anthelmintic, maturant, astringent, relieves fatigue, fever, thirst, cough, amenorrhoea, ulcers, inflammations, alexiteric, anthelmintic, ophthalmia, biliousness, skin diseases, boils, eczema,stomachic, anthelmintic, dyspepsia, purgati
Description : A medium-sized to large evergreen to semi-deciduous tree with large spreading crown. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate, 20-45 cm long, crowded near the ends of the branches, leaflets 2.5-7.7 cm long, base very oblique, coarsely serrate. Flowers white, 4-5 mm long, in axillary panicles. Drupe oblong, 15-14 mm long.
Distribution : Planted all over Bangladesh.
Chemical Constituents : Various parts of the plant and the Neem oil contain triterpenoid bitter principles, saponins, flavonoids, tannins and alkaloids. The bitter principles include nimbidin, nimbin, nimbinine, 6-descetylnimbinine, nimbidol, nimbolide and bakayanin. In addition
Uses : The bark is bitter, tonic, refrigerant, anthelmintic, maturant, astringent, relieves fatigue, fever, thirst, cough and bad taste in the mouth, useful in some slight cases of intermittent fever and general debility, amenorrhoea, cures ulcers and inflammati
Habit : Tree