Basella ALBA L.

Synonym : Basella alba var. subcordata Hassk.
Basella cordifolia Lam.
Basella lucida L.
Basella rubra L.
Gandola nigra (Lour.) Raf.
Bangla Name : Poi, Puishak, Rakto Pui. ,Jhum Poi Shak (Tanchangya).
English Name : Indian Spinach, Malabar nightshade
Family : Basellaceae
Disease : Demulcent, diuretic, laxative, gonorrhea, balanitis, urticaria, sores and toothache
Description : A glabrous, much branched, succulent climber. Leaves large, thick, broadly ovate, cordate or orbicular, 5-17.75 cm diam. Spikes 2.5-15 cm, axillary, peduncled, simple or branched, flowers white or red, sessile. Fruit, the size of a pea, black.
Distribution : Cultivated throughout the country
Chemical Constituents : Various parts of the plant contain mucilage (a water soluble polysaccharide), vitamins A and B, ascorbic acid, protein, fats, sterols and minerals. The ?-cyanins, gomphrenins I and II, isogomphrenins I and II, gomphrenin III and their derivatives are pres
Uses : The leaves are demulcent, diuretic and laxative, used in gonorrhoea and balanitis. It is also used in urticaria, catarrhal affactions, as a poultice for sores and to hasten suppuration. The juice of the leaves is used in constipation, particularly in chil
Habit : Climber