Bauhinia MALABARICA Roxb.
Synonym : | Bauhinia acida Korth. Bauhinia rugulosa Miq. Casparea castrata (Hassk.) Hassk. Pauletia acida (Korth.) Hassk. Pauletia acida (Korth.) Hassk |
Bangla Name : | Phutki, Kanchan, Karmai. |
English Name : | - |
Family : | Caesalpinaeae |
Disease : | Dysentery. |
Description : | An erect low brushy tree. Leaves broader than long, slightly cordate, deeply bifid. Flowers in dense axillary subsessile racemes, calyx clothed with pale brown down, petals oblong-spathulate, little exerted. Pods 25-30 cm long, ligulate, nearly straight, somewhat turgid. |
Distribution : | In evergreen and deciduous forests of Sylhet |
Chemical Constituents : | Quercitroside, isoquercitroside and rutoside have been isolated from the plant (Rastogi &Mehrotra, 1993). |
Uses : | An infusion of the young flowers is given in dysentery. |
Habit : | Tree |