Byttneria pilosa Roxb.

Synonym : Byttneria elegans Ridl.
Byttneria pilosa var. pellita Gagnep.
Chaetaea pilosa (Roxb.) Adelb.
Commersonia pilosa G.Don
Bangla Name : Harjora.,Salam Vra (Marma), Chaala ludhi (Tanchangya).
English Name : -
Family : Sterculiaceae
Disease : fractured bones.
Description : A large woody climber with grooved, strigose, branchlets. Leaves 10 cm, long, suborbicular, palmately 3-lobed, pilose on both surfaces. Flowers minute campanulate, in a lax much branched inflorescence. Capsule globose, size of a large chery, studded with subulate barbed prickles.
Distribution : Forests of Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Cox’s Bazar, Sylhet, Srimongal, Gajni (Sherpur) and Habiganj.
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : The plant is used in the treatment of fractured bones. For this purpose paste of the tendrillar stem with leaves are tied round the limbs.
Habit : Climber