Caesalpinia DIGYNA Rottl.
Synonym : | Caesalpinia gracilis Miq. Caesalpinia oleosperma Roxb |
Bangla Name : | Kochoi, Teri, Amalkuch. |
English Name : | Teri Pods. |
Family : | Caesalpinaeae |
Disease : | Astringent, phthisis, scrofula, diabetes and diarrhea. |
Description : | A large scandent prickly shrub. Leaves abruptly bipinnate, 15-23 cm long. Racemes simple, equaling or exceeding the leaves. Flowers middle-sized, yellow, petals often reddish at the base. Pods 2.5-5 cm long, glabrous, torulose, oblong-lanceolate. Seeds oblong, black. |
Distribution : | Forests of Chittagong, Hill tracts North Bengal, Sylhet. |
Chemical Constituents : | Tannin is present in pod-cases but not in seeds. It also contains bitter substance bonducin and saponin (Chopra et al., 1992). |
Uses : | Roots are astringent, used internally in phthisis, scrofula and diabetes. The powder of the root is useful in diarrhoea and other chronic fluxes. Root pounded and mixed with water is drunk as a febrifuge. EtOH(50%) extract is active in vitro against Myc |
Habit : | Shrub |