Caesalpinia PULCHERIMA Sw.
Synonym : | Caesalpinia pulcherrima var. flava Bailey & Rehder Poinciana bijuga Burm.F. Poinciana elata Lour. Poinciana pulcherrima |
Bangla Name : | Krishnachura, Radhachura, Bakam. |
English Name : | Peacock Flower, Barbadose Pride, Dwarf Gold Mohur |
Family : | Caesalpinaeae |
Disease : | stimulant, cholera, purgative, bronchitis, asthma, malarial fever, intestinal worms, coughs and chronic catarrh. |
Description : | A branchy ornamental shrub, almost unarmed with few prickles. Leaves bipinnate. Racemes terminal, very broad, the lower pedicels 7.5-10 cm long. Flowers yellow or reddish yellow, petals round, crisped, with a very distinct claw, Filaments 3-4 times the length of the corolla. Pods 5-7.6 cm, long, thin, ligulate, flat nearly straight. |
Distribution : | Cultivated all over the country as ornamental plant. |
Chemical Constituents : | Bark contains the diterpene, caesalpin, ellagitannins, quercimeritrin, leucodelphinin, ?-sitosterol, sebacic acid, gallic acid and ellagic acid. Leaves contain a glyceride, myricitroside. Flowers contain cyanin, flavonoids, ?-sitosterol, lupeol and saccha |
Uses : | The plant is considered tonic and stimulant. Roots are astringent, given in cholera, and infantile convulsions. Leaves are purgative, abortifacient and febrifuge. Infusion of the flowers is febrifuge, prescribed in bronchitis, asthma, malarial fever, in |
Habit : | Shrub |