Shorea robusta Gaertn.

Synonym : Shorea robusta Roxb. ex Gaertn. f.
Bangla Name : Gojari,Shal
English Name : -
Family : Dipterocarpaceae
Disease : Ulcers, wounds, itch, leprosy, gonorrhoea, ascites, menorrhagia, enlargement of spleen, obesity, toothache, dysentery
Description : Trees, ± tardily deciduous. crown spreading. Bark gray to dark reddish brown, becoming fissured and flaky; inner bark not laminated; wood hard; heartwood dark brown. Branchlets densely buff scabrous-pubescent. Stipules fugacious, lanceolate, small, lepidote; petiole buff scabrous-pubescent; leaf blade ovate to oblong, base obtuse to cordate, apex acuminate. Flowers subsessile, on panicles; branches racemose, secund; bracts caducous, minute. Petals strongly contorted, creamy-yellow or sometimes with a medium pink stripe, linear. Sepals ovate, subequal, densely buff pubescent. Stamens many; anthers panduriform, setose toward apex; connective appendages short, stout, exceeding anther apex, sparsely setose. Ovary ovoid, densely buff pubescent. Fruit sepals unequal, spatulate, sparsely pubescent. Fl. Feb-May, fr. May-Jul.
Distribution : Mymensingh,Comilla,Tangail,Gazipur,Dinajpur
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : Ulcers, wounds, itch, leprosy, gonorrhoea, ascites, menorrhagia, enlargement of spleen, obesity, toothache, dysentery
Habit : Tree