Tetracera sarmentosa (L.) Vahl
Synonym : | Seguieria asiaticaLour. Tetracera asiatica(Lour.) Hoogland Tetracera levineiMerr. |
Bangla Name : | Lata Chalta,Chaillya lata(Cox’s Bazar), Ulu ludi(Tanchangya) |
English Name : | - |
Family : | Dilleniaceae |
Disease : | Abdominal pain, epilepsy, gastric tumor, general weakness, gout, lipoma, migraine headache, paralysis, remitting fever, rheumatism, spermatorrhoea, stomach disorder |
Description : | Evergreen woody climbers, ramose. Branchlets scabrous, hairy when young, later glabrous. Petiole, pubescent; leaf blade orbicular, leathery, very scabrous, setose when young, later abaxial surface glabrous or only veins pubescent, with protuberance, base broadly cuneate or approximately rounded,. Panicles terminal, many flowered; peduncle pubescent, zigzag.. Sepals 5, free, broadly ovate, unequal, persistent in fruit, apex obtuse, glabrous or occasionally sparsely hairy, ciliate. Petals 3, white.Stamens numerous, shorter than sepals. Carpels glabrous; style longer than stamens. Follicles orange, pericarp thinly leathery and slightly bright when dry, with persistent style. Seed 1, black; aril yellow, fringed, enclosing base of seeds. Fl. Apr-May. |
Distribution : | Sylhet,Chittagong Hill Tracts |
Chemical Constituents : | - |
Uses : | Abdominal pain, epilepsy, gastric tumor, general weakness, gout, lipoma, migraine headache, paralysis, remitting fever, rheumatism, spermatorrhoea, stomach disorder |
Habit : | Climber |