Dillenia indica L.
Synonym : | Dillenia elongataMiq. Dillenia indicaf.elongata(Miq.) Miq. |
Bangla Name : | Ulugach(Chakma),Preici(Chak),Thigi(Garo),Thyfri(Khasia),Kawr-thing-dawng(Lushai).Kra aning(Marma),Tabru(Murong),Thaipolok(Tripura), Chalta,Chalita |
English Name : | - |
Family : | Dilleniaceae |
Disease : | Cough, cold, fever and purgative, diarrhoea, dysentery, astringent, abortion, dyspepsia, food poisoning, general weakness, hair fall, lipoma, septic sore, spermatorrhoea, traumatic injury |
Description : | An evergreen tree, with red, smooth, thick bark, and tomentose spreading branches. Leaves usually near the end of branches., fascicled; blade glabrous above, pubescent on the nerves below, broadly elliptic—oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, regularly serrate; petiole channelled, sheathing and densely tomentose at the base. Flowers solitary, terminal, bisexual, drooping. pedicel 7-8 ., clavate, smooth. Sepals orbicular, concave, accre¬scent, fleshy, thick but with membranous margins, yellowish green. Petals, spreading, obovate or oblong, white. Stamens numerous, inner long; anthers versatile,. Carpels l6-20; ovary fleshy, pale green, sub-reniform; stigmas linear, lanceolate, recurved. Fruit indehiscent, permanently covered by greenish, yellow or orange calyx, mucilaginous,. across. Seeds numerous, small, thickened, hairy along the edges, reniform. |
Distribution : | Throughout BD |
Chemical Constituents : | - |
Uses : | Cough, cold, fever and purgative, diarrhoea, dysentery, astringent, abortion, dyspepsia, food poisoning, general weakness, hair fall, lipoma, septic sore, spermatorrhoea, traumatic injury |
Habit : | Tree |