Amaranthus tricolor L.

Synonym : Amaranthus gangeticus L.
Amaranthus amboinicus Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.
Blitumgan geticum Moench
Glomeraria tricolor (L.) Cav.
Bangla Name : Lalshak,Kankanotey,Denga, Puspoo(Bisnupriya Manipuri)
English Name : Josep’s coat
Family : Amaranthaceae
Disease : -
Description : Annual herb, ascending or erect. Stem stout, usually much-branched, it and the branches angular. Leaves glabrous, or thinly pilose on the lower surface of the primary venation, green or purplish-suffused, very variable in size,emarginate to obtuse or acute at the apex, at the base shortly cuneate to attenuate. Flowers green to crimson in ± globose, male and female flowers intermixed. Bracts and bracteoles broadly or deltoid-ovate. Perianth segments, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, narrowed above, pale-membranous,.Stigmas 3, erect or recurved. Capsule ovoid-urceolate with a short neck below the style-base, circumscissile, membranous, obscurely wrinkled. Seed black or brown, shining, very faintly reticulate, lenticular.
Distribution : -
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : Laxative, limpoma (Tumor)
Habit : Herb