Datura stramonium L.

Synonym : Datura hybrida Ten.
Datura tatula L .
Stramonium foetidum Scop.
Stramonium spinosum Lam.
Bangla Name : -
English Name : -
Family : Solanaceae
Disease : Asthma, scabies, antihelmintic, sedative and lice infestation, rheumatism.
Description : Plant 60-120 cm or more tall, branched, pubescent; the branches often purplish. Leaves 8-17 x 4-13 cm, ovate or broadly so, sinuately dentate, minutely puberulose, cuneate.Petiole 2-5 cm long. Calyx 3.5-5.5 cm long, tubular, 5-dentate, puberulous, persistent. Lobes 6-9 mm long, strongly reflexed in fruit, apiculate. Corolla 7-10 cm long, white or purplish suffused; limb up to 8 cm broad, shallowly 5-lobed, with the lobes, ± triangular-acuminate. Anthers ± 5 mm long, with the lobes narrow oblong, usually white. Capsule erect, 3-4 cm long, ovoid, spiny and densely pubescent, splitting by 4 valves; spines up to 5 mm long.Seeds 3 mm long, reniform, reticulate-foveolate, and black.
Distribution : -
Chemical Constituents : The major constituent are tropane alkaloids which vary from O.25-o.4 %, two-third of which is hyoscyamine and one-third is hyoscine. A number of withanolides have also been reported from the plant
Uses : This plant is used in Asthma, scabies, antihelmintic, sedative and lice infestation, rheumatism.
Habit : Shrub