Ficus rumphii Blume

Synonym : Ficus conciliorumOken
Ficus coriacea Aiton
Urostigma cordifolium (Roxb.) Miq.
Urostigma rumphii (Blume) Miq.
Bangla Name : Jhula bot,Gajna,Pipal,Panbot,Gai aswathwa
English Name : Weeping Fig
Family : Moraceae
Disease : Bone fracture
Description : A large, deciduous, glabrous tree with irregular-shaped crown. Trunk with subercet branches without aerial roots, bark grey or pale-grey. Leaves with long, grooved or flattened petiole; lamina ovate-broadly ovate, truncate to subcordate base, margins entire or ± wavy, apex gradually narrowed into 2-3 cm long acumen, stipules narrowly ovate-lanceolateacute, brownish. Hypanthodia sessile, in axillary pairs .Male flowers: few, ostiolar; sepals 3, spathulate; stamen solitary, filament at lost, as anther. Female and gall flowers: sepals 3, united, lanceolate; ovary obovoid with long style, stigma clavate. Figs globose, black smooth.
Distribution : Chittagong Hill Tracts,Chittagong,Sylhet
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : The plant isused inBone fracture
Habit : Tree