Ficus pumila L.

Synonym : Ficus scandens Lam.
Ficus stipulata Thunb.
Ficus vestita Desf.
Urostigma scandens(Lam.) Liebm.
Bangla Name : Lata dumur,Dewall dumur
English Name : Fig ivy,Creeping Fig,Climbing Fig
Family : Moraceae
Disease : Oedema
Description : A climber with clinging roots and white to brownish short hair on young shoots. Leaves dimorphic, villous to glabrescent petiole; lamina coriaceous, ovate-oblong, cordate base, stipules appeased hairy. cystoliths present on lower side only. Hypanthodia on erect fruiting branches, generally solitary axillary, sessile to shortly pedunculate, subgloboae to pyriform or obovoid-turbinate, , greenish yellow, minutely villose to glabrescent, subtended by ovate-lanceolate, appressed hairy basal bracts, apical orifice umbonate, internal bristles copious, short. Male flowers: large, numerous, in several whorls; sepals 4-6; stamens 2-3. Female flowers: sessile to long-pedicelled; ovary sessile with long, simple lateral style. Figs obovoid turbinate, purple-black, glabrous to glaucous.
Distribution : -
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : The plant isused inOedema
Habit : Climber