Carica PAPAYA L.

Synonym : Carica citriformis Jicq.
Carica hermaphrodita Blanco
Carica posopora L.
Carica sativa Tussac.
Bangla Name : Pepe, Papeya, Koiya (Chittagong). ,Pepo, Cokia (Tipra).
English Name : Papaya, Papaw.
Family : Caricaceae
Disease : Anthelmintic, dyspepsia, intestinal irritation, ringworm,wounds, ulcers, boils, warts, cancerous tumours, diarrhea, stomachic, appetizer, digestive, carminative and diuretic.
Description : Description of the plant: An erect small tree, with spongy stem and white latex, hollow inside. Leaves large, 30-60 cm across, on long, hollow, petioles, palmately lobed, subpeltate, forming a round tuft at the top of the stem. Plant dioecious, male flowers in long drooping panicles, female flowers in short clusters. Fruit large, 15-30 cm long, obovate to obovate-oblong, succulent.
Distribution : Cultivated all over Bangladesh.
Chemical Constituents : Young fruits and leaves are very rich in latex, which contains a number of digestive enzymes, called papain. Latex also contains a blood anticoagulant factor and immunosuppressive enzyme, chymopapain and a number of medicinal enzymes. Leaves and roots con
Uses : Milky juice of the fruit and plant contains ‘Papain’ which is digestive and anthelmintic, used in dyspepsia, intestinal irritation and ringworm. The latex is applied externally to speed the healing of wounds, ulcers, boils, warts and cancerous tumours. La
Habit : Small tree