Caryota URENS L.

Synonym : -
Bangla Name : Ban Khajur, Ban Supari, Golsagu, Golmar, Chau.
English Name : Jaggery Palm, Kittul Sago, Toddy or Fish-tail Palm.
Family : Arecaceae
Disease : Tonic, aphrodisiac, laxative and hemicrania.
Description : A tall palm, 12-18 m high. The crown is rather thin, consisting of several ascending, graceful, curved, bi-pinnate, large leaves, 5.4-6 m long. Spadix very large, 3-3.6 m long, peduncle curved, stout, entirely covered with large, greyish, coriaceous spathe, and closely imbricated, branches simple, very long, pendulous. Fruit globose, 1.7-2 cm across.
Distribution : North Bengal, Sylhet, Mymensingh, Chittagong, in forests and village groves.
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : Juice is nutritious, tonic, aphrodisiac and laxative. Confection is used in seminal weakness and urinary disorders. Juice and charred fruit is applied to the forehead in hemicrania. Nut is cooling, allays thirst and fatigue.
Habit : Tree