Synonym : | Bactyrilobium fistula Willd. Cassia rhombifolia Roxb. Cathartocarpus fistula Pers. Cathartocarpus rhombifolius G.Don |
Bangla Name : | Sonalu, Bador lathi, Bandar lathi (Mymensingh), Shondal, Sonail, Honail (Noakhali), Bijoy ghanta (Rangpur), ,Honalu (Chakma), Hunalu (Garo). |
English Name : | Indian Laburnum, Puddin Pipe Tree, Purging Fistula. |
Family : | Caesalpinaeae |
Disease : | Laxative, antiperiodic, ulcers, inflammation, rheumatism, ringworms, laxative, gout, rheumatism, ringworm, jaundice and diabetes. |
Description : | A small to medium, deciduous tree. Leaves compound, 23-40 cm long, leflets 4-8 pairs, ovate or ovate-oblong, acute, 5-12.5 cm long. Flowers in lax pendulous racemes, 30-50 cm long. Corolla 3.8 cm across, yellow. Pods 30-60 cm long, pendulous, cylindric, straight, brown-black. |
Distribution : | Grows naturally throughout the country. |
Chemical Constituents : | Leaves contain anthraquinone glycosides like rhein, sennosides A and B and flavones. Stem bark and wood contain leucoanthocyanidin, fistucacidin, flavones, anthraquinones, like barbalon, rhein and sennosides, lupeol, ?-sitosterol and hexacoasanol. Root ba |
Uses : | The leaves are laxative and antiperiodic, useful in ulcers, inflammation and rheumatism, juice of the young leaves is used to cure ringworms. Pulp of the fruit is an agreable laxative, safe for children and pregnant women, given in liver disorder. The pur |
Habit : | Small tree |