Ficus racemosa L.

Synonym : Ficus lanceolata Buch-Ham. exRoxb.
Ficus acidula King
Ficus chittagonga Miq.
Ficus lucescens Blume
Bangla Name : Jaga Dumur,Gulang Dumur,jog Dumur TRIBAL NAME: Zoigga Dumur(Chakma),Koudra- phang(Garo
English Name : Cluster Fig,Indian Fig,Red wood Fig.
Family : Moraceae
Disease : Diarrhoea, dysentery, menorrhagia, bronchitis, dry cough, sexual weakness, urinary trouble, diabetes
Description : A small to large, evergreen or occasionally deciduous tree. Trunk with spreading brand with or without aerial roots, bark whitish to pinkish-brawn, smooth, young twigs with fine white pubescence. Leaves grooved minutely hairy, brownish-scurfy petiole; lamina ovate-lanceolate to ± elliptic-lanceolate, ± oblique base, margin entire to ± used obtuse or subacute to occasionally ± acuminate at apex. Hypanthodia on long peduncles. Male flowers: sessile, ostiolar in 23-whorls; red; stamens usually 2, pistillode present. Female flowers: sessile or subsessile. sepals as in male; ovary substipitate, with lateral, glabrous style, stigma simple. Gall flowers pedicellate, dispersed among female. Figs depressed subglobose or pyriform red, usually streaked. Seeds lenticular.
Distribution : This species found throughout Bangladesh.
Chemical Constituents : Bark, ceryl behenate, lupeol, ?-amyrin and 3 unidentified compounds. Fruit, lupeol-oac, ?-sitosterol, sterol and glauanol. Leaves, gluanol-oac,?-amyrin and ?-sitosterol. A glycoside-rich fraction from leaves reported to have hypotensive and cardiac-depres
Uses : The plant is used in Diarrhoea, dysentery, menorrhagia, bronchitis, dry cough, sexual weakness, urinary trouble, diabetes, cirorhosis, piles, asthma, astringent, stomachic, carminative, haemoptysis, diseases of kidney and spleen, bowels, tonic, styptic, a
Habit : Tree