Cerbera MANGHAS L.

Synonym : Cerbera linnaei Montrouz.
Elcana seminuda Blanco
Odollamia moluca Raf.
Tanghinia manghas (L.) G.Don
Bangla Name : Dabur, Dhakur (Sundarbans).
English Name : -
Family : Apocynaceae
Disease : Purgative and vomiting.4
Description : A small tree or large evergreen shrub, with an acrid milky poisonous juic. Leaves 12.5-25 cm long, closely set at the end of the branches, lanceolate, oblanceolate or oblong-obovate. Flowers large, white with a yellow throat, in terminal paniculate cymes. Fruit a drupe, 5-10 cm long, subglobose, smooth, green.
Distribution : Occurs in the tidal forests of Sundarbans and coastal areas of Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Noakhali and Barisal.
Chemical Constituents : Seed carnel contain thevetin B, monoacetylthevetin B, neriifolin, diacetylneriifolin and cardiac glycosides cerbertin, cerbertatin and acetylcerbertin. Seeds also contain digitoxigenin glycosides and tanghinigenin glycosides. Leaves contain diacetylnerii
Uses : The bark is purgative. The nut is narcotic and poisonous. The seeds are extremely poisonous and contain glucoside cerberine, which has a powerful effect on heart. The kernel when taken internally produces vomiting and purging soon followed by collapse and
Habit : Small tree