Ceriops TAGAL (Perr.) C.B. Rob.

Synonym : Bruguiera arnottiana Wight ex Arn.
Ceriops Lucida Miq.
Ceriops somalensis Chiov.
Rhizophora tagal Perr. ()
Bangla Name : Motgoran, Mathgoran (Sunderbans).
English Name : Mangrove.
Family : Rhizophoraceae
Disease : Astringent, haemorrhage and ulcers.
Description : A small evergreen tree or large shrub with many basal buttresses. Leaves 5-10 cm long, coriaceous, obovate-oblong, rounded at the apex. Flowers in axillary, branched cymes. Petals 5, white, shorter than the calyx, oblong-obovate. Fruit slightly conical, 1.3-1.6 cm long, protruded radical sometimes reaching 30 cm.
Distribution : Occurs in the mangrove forests of Sundarbans.
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : Whole of the plant abounds in an astringent principle. The decoction of the bark is used to stop haemorrhage and applied to malignant ulcers. Decoction of the shoots is used as a substitute for quinine. EtOH(50%) extract of stem bark is hypoglycaemic (A
Habit : Shrub