Botany Terms

Name Structure/ Category Description
Apical [Placentation] {type} Attachment of ovules at the top or apex of the ovary.
Apiculate [Leaf apices, Leaflet apices, Petal apices, Phyllary apices, Sepal apices] {shape} Ending abruptly in a small, slender, point that is not stiff and often slightly curved.
Apocarpous having the carpels of the gynoecium separate
Apopetalous [Corolla] {fusion} With petals distinct, not fused.
Apophysis The outer portion of a cone scale which is exposed when the cone is closed.
Aposepalous [Calyx] {fusion} With sepals distinct, not fused.
Appressed [Leaves, Petals, Phyllaries, Sepals] {vertical orientation} Pressed upwardly close or flat against the bearing structure, thus more or less parallel to it.
Aquatic-emergent [Plants] {habit} Growing in water with stem and leaves extending above the surface.
Aquatic-floating [Plants] {habit} Growing in water with leaves floating on the surface.
Aquatic-submerged [Plants] {habit} Growing in water with stem and leaves beneath the surface.